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畜禽产品的生产过程需要消耗大量水资源,对畜禽产品进行水足迹评价能够清楚地认识其对水资源的消耗情况。目前,人们对畜禽产品的需求日益增长,水资源消耗也在持续升高,因此研究如何缓解畜禽产品生产带来的水资源压力,已成为人们必须要面对的问题。评价畜禽产品的用水量和对不同生产阶段的用水分析,将有助于生产者和消费者确定用水量最大的过程,并针对性地实施提高用水效率的战略。本文介绍了国内外畜禽产品水足迹研究现状,对比分析了不同畜禽产品水足迹评价方法,展望了畜禽产品水足迹的发展,最终提出以下降低畜禽产品水足迹的主要措施:1)减少饲料生产的水足迹;2)提高饲料转化率;3)水资源管理和提高畜禽动物生产性能;4)改变人们的消费习惯。  相似文献   
王学鹏 《中国饲料》2021,(2):125-128
粮食和饲料的国际贸易促进了许多国家农业生产系统的专业化和集约化。专业化动物养殖越来越多地依赖进口大豆和玉米,虽然提高了动物生产力,但也促使作物和动物生产系统在空间上的分离。本文综述了几十年来全球范围内大豆和玉米的贸易变化,并将其与养殖密度和整个食品系统中营养平衡的变化联系起来。这一变化与不同的营养管理条例的差异和动物饲养密度的空间变化有关。深入解析这些变化有助于理解动物饲料国际贸易、养殖密度与氮磷平衡之间的复杂关系。  相似文献   
张菲  管曦  朱荣军 《茶叶科学》2021,41(3):430-438
基于时变随机前沿引力模型和贸易非效率模型,运用37个代表性国家和地区2001—2017年面板数据,实证分析了中国茶叶出口的影响因素与贸易效率。结果显示,我国茶叶出口贸易效率呈现随时间递增的趋势,但是总体上我国茶叶出口效率处于较低水平,且呈现区域不平衡,对发达经济体的出口贸易效率相对较高,与“一带一路”沿线国家的茶叶贸易效率比较低;我国茶叶出口效率无法完全实现主要是由于技术效率损失;国内供给增加、进口市场容量扩大以及贸易成本降低均对茶叶贸易效率有促进作用;进口市场营商环境改善一定程度上能够抵消贸易非效率的影响,提升我国茶叶出口效率;自由贸易协定对于我国茶叶出口尚未发挥作用。  相似文献   
文中从贸易规模和贸易结构2个层面对中国与“孟中印缅经济走廊”沿线国家木质林产品贸易现状进行概述,运用贸易强度指数、贸易互补性指数、产业内贸易指数对中国与沿线各国木质林产品贸易联系进行分析。结果表明,中国与沿线各国木质林产品贸易规模处于逐年上升趋势,经贸联系也在逐年增强。中国应继续推进孟中印缅经济走廊建设,深化对沿线国家木质林产品贸易,实现区域林产品贸易和产业互利共赢。  相似文献   
Chestnut blight, caused by Cryphonectria parasitica, was identified in Devon, UK, in December 2016. Intensive surveys detected the disease at further sites in Devon (seven), Berkshire (one), Dorset (one), Derbyshire (four) and a cluster of eight sites in southeast London. Over 570 survey samples were tested, and 227 were positive for C. parasitica by isolation and real-time PCR. A total of 227 isolates were tested for mating type, and 197 screened for vegetative compatibility group (VCG) and compared with VCGs known from mainland Europe. The same isolates were also screened for the presence of Cryphonectria hypovirus 1 (CHV-1). Eleven VCGs were identified within the UK population. Five corresponded to already known European VCGs but six were unique. The European VCGs mainly came from the Devon, Dorset, Berkshire and Derbyshire disease outbreaks, whilst unique VCGs were almost exclusively from the southeast London cluster. Both mating types were detected, but only one mating type was present at each site, with the exception of a single Devon site. Perithecia of C. parasitica were never observed at any site. CHV-1 was found in seven isolates from three different locations and was always subtype-I, which has limited hypovirulence. Therefore, although CHV-1 is associated with C. parasitica at some outbreaks, it probably has limited impact on virulence. The diversity of VCGs and their distribution at outbreak sites, together with findings of CHV-1, suggests C. parasitica has been introduced to the UK multiple times over at least two decades through international plant trade.  相似文献   
2000年以来中国苹果产业发展趋势分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
常倩  李瑾 《北方园艺》2021,(3):155-160
对2000年以来我国苹果生产、消费和贸易情况进行分析发现,我国苹果生产区域布局较为稳定,生产高度集中于苹果生产优势区域。苹果生产效率大幅提升,不断满足城乡居民对苹果的消费需求,城乡差距不断缩小,苹果产品贸易顺差进一步扩大。但苹果生产成本利润率显著下降,消费者对苹果品质及营养也提出了更高的要求,苹果生产面临成本、质量等方面的挑战。与此同时,苹果生产中技术服务、农业保险等社会化服务也有了初步发展,未来苹果生产将进一步向高效、优质、社会化发展。  相似文献   
中国高粱产业发展特征及趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高粱是我国重要的杂粮作物。近年来,中美贸易中高粱交易量剧烈波动,高粱供需形势发生显著变化,高粱产业发展备受关注。从中国高粱的生产特征、贸易特征、消费特征等方面入手,对1960-2018年国内高粱产业发展趋势及发展现状进行分析。研究发现,中国高粱从主要粮食作物转变为小杂粮,近年来种植面积略有提高;国内高粱消费主要用于酿酒和饲料,虽然中国是世界第三大高粱消费国,但人均消费水平并不高;目前,中国作为世界第一大高粱进口国,进口量受饲料高粱需求影响猛增猛减,出口量极小且相对稳定。未来,中国高粱的发展规模将保持相对稳定,新的增长空间主要取决于旱作粮食作物的发展和消费途径的拓展。  相似文献   
The Arabian Seas Region plays an important role in the global landings and trade of sharks and rays. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Yemen, two countries with stark socio‐economic differences, serve as major regional trade hubs for shark and ray products and four countries (Oman, Pakistan, UAE and Yemen) supply nearly 11% of dried fin exports to Hong Kong. Yet, little information is available on the characteristics of this trade and the fisheries contributing to it. Here, we review the fisheries characteristics, trade, utilization and distribution chain of sharks and rays in 15 countries of the Arabian Seas Region based on published and grey literature, landing surveys, field observations and interviews with fishermen and traders. Although regional shark fisheries remain mostly artisanal, reported shark and ray landings represent 28% of the regional total fish production, reaching 56,074 mt in 2012 (7.3% of total world catches), with Iran, Oman, Pakistan and Yemen ranking as the primary catchers. Utilization and distribution patterns are complex, vary between landing sites and countries, and remain unmonitored. Based on widespread over‐exploitation of most teleost fisheries, current exploitation levels for most sharks and rays are potentially unsustainable. The situation is exacerbated by limited research and political will to support policy development, the incomplete nature of fisheries data, as well as insufficient regulations and enforcement. A better understanding of shark and ray fisheries will be key for regulating trade, promoting conservation and developing management initiatives to secure food security, livelihoods and biodiversity conservation in the region.  相似文献   
番茄与黄瓜远缘嫁接愈合口形成过程的组织解剖分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明番茄/黄瓜远缘嫁接不亲和时愈合口的形成过程,为后期砧穗间信息互作的研究奠定一定的理论基础,以黄瓜‘新泰密刺’、黑籽南瓜和番茄‘中杂9号’为试材,采用下胚轴斜靠接方法远缘嫁接番茄/黄瓜(接穗/砧木),嫁接组合黄瓜/南瓜、黄瓜/黄瓜作为嫁接亲和性的对照。观察嫁接后第2、5、8和15天嫁接苗生长形态变化并统计成活率,对比分析黄瓜的近缘及远缘嫁接的嫁接口愈合过程。结果表明:1)嫁接接口处石蜡切片结果显示,对照黄瓜自嫁接和黄瓜与南瓜的嫁接均经历了相同的愈合过程,并最终成功地建立了形成层与输导组织,得以正常生长;2)分别用经木质部运输的品红溶液、经韧皮部运输的HPTS染料标记嫁接苗,结果显示远缘的番茄与黄瓜嫁接后,砧木与接穗虽然可以各自分化出愈伤组织,但二者愈伤组织的薄壁细胞无法真正地融合,机械性地对接在一起的木质部可以运输水分,使得番茄接穗不萎蔫,但韧皮部并未连通,无法进行其光合及同化产物运输、维持其生命活动,初步解释了远缘嫁接不亲和的解剖学过程。  相似文献   
在分析食用菌产品专业术语翻译现状的基础上,详细讨论了翻译的准确性、国际贸易的语场和文化差异。提出尊重当地文化传统和语言习惯、遵守国际贸易中的"专业术语",注重翻译准确性和专业性的翻译策略,消除食用菌产品出口贸易中的语言障碍,更好地服务于食用菌产业的发展。  相似文献   
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